Speak | Train | Facilitate | Consult | Coach
Hope dealer. Soul tender. Curious questioner. Love alchemist. Justice warrior

hello beloved,
My name is Kim Pevia. I am the Founder and Principal of K.A.P. Inner Prizes. I was born in Baltimore, MD, where I also studied psychology. Many years ago, I felt the call to come home to Robeson County, NC where my roots run deep as a member of the Lumbee Tribe. It was there in my own homecoming that my life shifted. I learned to let my intellect serve my spirit, my community, and Creator. This shift created the space and opportunity that led me to support others in their own homecoming.
“Hell is the place where nothing connects” TS Elliot
“Heaven is the place where we realize everything connects. Everything is circular.” Matika Wilbur (Swinomish and Tulalip) and Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), All My Relations podcast
Whether being invited to join you as a Keynote speaker, trainer, or as thought partner for organizational cultural change, I help turn people toward each other to see others through the eyes of the heart. We live in a culture that tells us Safety is found is separation and disconnection —not only from each other but from ourselves, from our culture, from our bodies, from our emotions. Disconnection for protection is a falsehood, and it’s painful. It is hell. It fights our natural instinct and need for connection.
White supremacy culture is inculcated in our systems and structures and in us. It is in the soil and the water of our lives, how could it not be in us? How could it be any other way?
Colonial thinking insists that we separate ourselves, using only the mind and deny emotion and body. We, however, are NOT separate. I work with my clients to develop the tools they need to engage their emotions and bodies in partnership. When we align our mind, body, and spirit in our being, we unlock our own agency for radical change within ourselves, cultures, and systems --- change that is rooted in the safety, belonging, and love we so desperately need in such a time as this.
Uprooting white supremacy culture is critical now, and it starts with us looking within. I work with organizations and individuals to find and uproot it. I use indigenous wisdom, love, and humor to move us into a more liberated world. I collaborate with experienced professionals to offer a range of customized services to support personal, organizational, and community growth & development, specializing in:
Radical love
Emotional & somatic justice and liberation
Mindfulness & somatic embodied practices
Gifts of conflict & fear
Organizational relational culture shift
Whole human centered approach
Indigeneity and colonization
Uprooting your own stuff
Decolonizing your mind and practices
Decolonizing white supremacy culture
Grounded & relational race equity
Restorative justice

Public Speaking
For over 30 years, I have given public talks often addressing the hard topics with humor and Indigenous wisdom. My goal is for folks to FEEL something, particularly what happens when we settle our bodies and bring our whole self (the head, heart, and spirit) into alignment. I invite breath and self awareness into the space, offering and modeling a way of being that connects us to our own humanity and to each other. With tools and practice, we can have the hard conversations that we need to have, and we can do the hard things we need to do so that WE ALL GET FREE.
Listen for yourself
Community Board Affiliations
My service work has included founding the Artist Market-Pembroke, providing retail opportunities for local and regional artists in southeast North Carolina and serving as the President of the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce, Board Chair of Women AdvaNCe, Board President of Southeastern Family Violence Center, Board Chair of the American Indian Women of Proud Nations, Board Chair of Alternate Roots, and as a member of the Governance Council for the Southern Movement Assembly.
I currently serve as the Board Chair for the annual Lumbee Film Festival and as a board member for Working Films and North Carolina Arts Council. I also engage in local community efforts for healing and reconciliation through facilitation of community healing circles, organizing to bring awareness, healing, and political action for the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women in my community and around the country, and participation in the statewide Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Project led by Beloved Community Center.